Chuk Kam is the Cantonese word for Pure Gold.
The Gold must be 99.0% pure at the minimum.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gold Wars: A Very Knowledgeable PM Business Owner's Blog

I wanted to let my readers know of a blog called Gold Wars. The author is a gold and silver business owner named Kirsty Hogg. Conversely, the blog is not about her business, but instead addresses issues like hyper-inflation, the long term manipulation of gold and silver, current economic events, and other related items. We all know (at least those who read my blog) that the Federal Reserve continues to print money even as the Federal debt is out of control (just check that little ticker on the left side of the page). These are just some of the topics Kirsty discusses. Like me, she is trying to educate folks that paper money is virtually worthless.

Ever since 1971 when President Nixon took the US off the gold standard and replaced our money with fiat currency, the value of he dollar has eroded and many fear the US economy will soon reach a melting point if something is not done about it. She also addresses what you can do to prepare for the worst, if it comes. The number one way to protect your wealth is to buy precious metals such as gold and silver. Kirsty recommends and I agree that it makes sense to store your wealth in something that is inflation proof. As Kirsty put it “I for one will be buying gold and silver in a variety of forms.” So if you want an education in gold, the economics behind it and the value of owning precious metals, I recommend Gold Wars as required reading. Gold Wars link:

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